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Pistou Sauce

By Géraldine Leverd, Food Blogger

Pistou sauce is the French version of pesto and is used to spice up Provençal dishes. It’s also the basis for the traditional French Pistou soup recipe. Discover this simple yet flavorful recipe for pistou sauce, a classic of Provence cuisine that’s perfect for adding a burst of fresh flavor to your dishes.

Tips for a Perfect Basil Pistou Sauce

  • Use Fresh Basil Leaves: The fresher the basil the better. Choose green leaves with no signs of browning.
  • Liquid Ratio: Want a runny sauce? Then just add a little more olive oil.
  • Best When Fresh: Pistou sauce tastes best when made just before serving. But you can keep it refrigerated in a closed container for up to 3 days.


Suggestions for Using Your Basil Pistou Sauce

  • Pasta: Combine pistou and cooked pasta for a simple yet delicious emergency dinner.
  • Soups: Add a spoonful of pistou to veggie soups for an extra flavor dimension.
  • Sandwiches: Try spreading pistou on sandwiches for a bright, herbal note.
  • Grilled Veggies: Serve as a flavorful dressing to spice up your grilled veggies.


Difference Between Pistou and Pesto

Pistou is quite similar to pesto. The main difference is the lack of pine nuts in French pistou. Nuts give the Italian sauce a different texture and flavor.


Can You Freeze Pistou Sauce?

It’s best eaten fresh, but you can also freeze your Pistou sauce so you always have it handy. Put it in airtight containers, a freezer bag or use ice cube trays. It stays good in the freezer for up to 3 months.


Can You Make Vegan Pistou Sauce?

Classic pistou recipes use Parmesan or Emmental cheese. But you can easily make a vegan version, by simply using vegan cheese or nutritional yeast.


How do you pronounce Pistou?

The correct French pronunciation of Pistou is "pea-stoo”.


The Story and Tradition of Pistou Sauce

Pistou sauce is more than a recipe, it’s a piece of Provence’s DNA. This bright sauce has a long history and is deeply rooted in Provence’s traditions. Provence, the southernmost region of France, is known for its sunshine and fresh produce. Pistou has been passed down for generations, evolving over time but always staying true to itself. Its origins go back to the ancient tradition of crushing fresh herbs with oil, a technique used by many Mediterranean cultures.

In Provençal cuisine, pistou is the star of the show, especially in soupe au pistou, a vegetable soup that’s as comforting as it is tasty. This is more than just food, it’s a symbol of togetherness and community, served during family gatherings and celebrations. Unlike its Italian cousin pesto, pistou doesn’t contain nuts, which gives it a unique flavor that reflects the simple yet bold ingredients of Provence.

Local Provençal chefs will tell you that their grandmothers used to make pistou by hand, crushing the basil and garlic with a mortar and pestle, extracting every last drop of flavor. This traditional method is still prized today for the taste and texture it gives. Despite the years, pistou sauce remains a Provençal kitchen staple, a proof of its eternal charm.


Why Pistou Sauce is Good for You

Pistou sauce isn’t just a treat for your taste buds—it’s also packed with nutritional goodness. Each ingredient in pistou has its own benefits. Fresh basil for example is full of antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols that protect your body from aging and stress. And then there’s garlic which adds flavor and is also anti-inflammatory and immune boosting.

And don’t forget olive oil, especially the Vallée des Baux-de-Provence Olive Oil. This golden oil is part of the Mediterranean diet and is heart healthy monounsaturated fats that keep cholesterol in check. If you like cheese, Emmental de Savoie PGI brings a rich creamy element to the sauce and calcium and protein. But if you want a plant based option you can swap it out for vegan cheese or nutritional yeast.

Nutritionists tell us to add pistou to our meals not just because it’s yummy but because it’s a way to supercharge our food. Whether you stir it into pasta, drizzle it over grilled vegetables or add a spoonful to soup, pistou sauce is a healthy and versatile option that makes everything more delicious.

Ingredients For



Wash and dry the fresh basil. Place it in a mortar.


Add the peeled and coarsely chopped garlic cloves. Add half the olive oil and grated Emmental cheese (optional).


Using a pestle, crush the basil leaves and garlic to form a smooth paste. Then slowly add the remaining oil. Finally, add a pinch of salt.

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