
PDO Pays d'Auge Cider


Apfel, nichts als Apfel im Cidre AOP Pays d'Auge, der eine außergewöhnliche aromatische Vielfalt bietet! Er entsteht durch natürliche Gärung aus einer Mischung verschiedener Sorten von Äpfeln, die auf den Obstplantagen des Pays d'Auge geerntet werden. 

Das solltest du wissen

The use of natural fermentation is a distinguishing feature of PDO Pays d'Auge cider. The bubbles inside the cider are caused by the natural fermentation of apple must. In other words, the beverage is not pasteurized or carbonated; zero carbonation has been added. The varieties of apples used to make the cider feature an intense fragrance and offer a range of flavors.  

In the case of PDO Pays d'Auge cider, most of the apples that are used are bitter or bitter-sweet (70%). The combination of sweet and tangy varieties gives the cider the freshness it needs to have a well-balanced flavor. 

Cider production dates back to ancient times. Evidence of a drink made from fermented apple juice can be found in every region with a warm climate along the Atlantic seaboard, from Spain (Asturias, Cantabria, and Basque Country) to France (Brittany and Normandy). Cider production in Normandy was first mentioned during the 11th century, when apple farming became more widespread under the influence of the clergy. Norman sailors drank the beverage, which is high in vitamin C, on their ships to prevent scurvy.

Gesundheitliche Vorteile

Reich an Tanninen, Vitamin C (18 % der empfohlenen Tagesdosis), Kalium und Eisen.

Anmerkung der Redaktion

« By holding the glass by the stem, you can appreciate the cider's transparency, color, and bubbles before you taste it. The cider's rich aromas tend to linger in the mouth. »


Storing PDO Pays d'Auge Cider

Store in a cool place (8 to 12 °C), protected from light, for a maximum of 1 to 2 years.

Preparing and serving PDO d'Auge Cider

Chill the bottle for at least three hours before opening. Remove the bottle from the refrigerator. Remove the cap protection and pull it gently under the pressure of the gas contained in the bottle. Drink chilled (at 8 °C), taking care not to shake the bottle, in a tulip or balloon glass, with the stem inclined towards the neck of the bottle.

Dazu passt

Herzhaft: Käse aus der Normandie (Camembert, Pont-l'Évêque), Geflügel, Kalb, Schwein.

Süß: Feingebäck mit Äpfeln.

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