20 mín
Average: 4.1 (10 valoraciones)

Strawberry jubilee

Por Masayo Waki, Chef

Make a traditional French dessert light with strawberries.

Tiempo de preparación

10 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • 300 ml
  • 3 cs
  • x 0.50
  • x 1
  • x 8
  • x 2
  • Strawberries
    Fresas de Nimes IGP



Remove the stems from the strawberries, and if the strawberries are large, cut them into 2 to 4 pieces and marinade them in the crème de cassis. 


Place cassonade and red wine in a saucepan, heat until the sugar dissolves, and then turn off the heat. Cover the saucepan and leave for approximately 15 minutes. 


Remove turn on the heat again, and add corn starch dissolved in an equal quantity of red wine to thicken. 


When the mixture has cooled to body temperature, add the strawberries and mix.


Place ice cream in a bowl and pour the mixture on top.

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